Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of those classic must-read books.

He’s Still Enough

“All around the world, people seem to spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s in a sense of reflection. It makes sense that as another year closes and is slid onto the shelves of memory that we take one last moment to flip back through it’s pages and remember with bittersweet fondness the stories that ended and the ones that have just begun. That is just what I have sat down to do. If one thing rings out true amidst the beauty and sorrow of this last year, it is that God does indeed keep His promises.”

To Serve God in Heaven Will Be a Great Reward

Randy Alcorn: “Service is a reward, not a punishment. This idea is foreign to people who dislike their work and only put up with it until retirement. We think that faithful work should be rewarded by a vacation for the rest of our lives. But God offers us something very different…”

Twelve Fascinating Finds Revealed in 2019

Here from Smithsonian are twelve interesting historical finds from 2019.

A Simple Question for Complementarians

Joe Rigney describes the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.